28 Jan 2012



Curtains raise and I'm
Welcomed to the show,
I'm new and scared and
Don't know where to go.
I try my best to be noticed
On stage,
But no one cares because
I'm only sixteen in age.
Holy shmoly ,what a
big change!
Personaly I felt school
Is really very strange.
I annoy everyone because                                                     
I think I'm so cool ,
Because, dude I'm in
Higher secondary school.
I wish I know than what I
Know now,
End of act one.let's all                  
Take a bow.               
                                           Curtains raise and I'm
                                           Welcomed back,
                                           But this year I am on
                                           Wrong track.
 I act out and do strife for
And I got punished with
Way more than detention .    
I am still young and new to
The scene,
Why is everyone so freaking
I made a few friends
They are people who like me!
But not with my mother
How could she let that be ?
                                          Now its another lonely one
                                          Month intermission,
                                          I need to do something but
                                          There no permission    .             
Someone should call her
Out but no one dares,
End of act two.who
Cares ?
                                                                                  Curtains raise once again
                                            I came to the
                                           Realisation that I
                                           cannot win.
But this year there is
Something new,
I met a girl and a new
Love grew.
I'm going to make her
Love of me,
And being the person she
Would want to see.
I always see her in
My dream,
I always remember without
Any seam.
                                                                                                       Always I spare my
Time wretch,
In singing and making
Her sketch.

Along with that I made                                   
True friends,
Friendship that I hope
                               Never ends.
For this act mostly it
Best  friends and
Lonely love
Gives me reason not to quit.
Almost over! I cannot
End of act three. A
Lonely date.
Curtains raised on the
Final act,
And I'm forced to face
The fact.
It is almost over I don't
Know what to do?
My days in the shelter are
Growing few.

I'm new man that I was
The year prior,
Of the old me I began to
Getting  skinny and style
And better learning,
Gives me hope for one  of
The problems  what I'm  facing.
Will she love me?
should I ask?
I cannot see truth
Through the love mask.
I found in her eyes she could love
Me........if I were my best friend,
You can imagine that sucks
To one end.
This scene is where blade
Meets skin,
And all myself destruction
Will begin.
I cut and burn and punch
An stab,
Is there anyone?some
Help I can grab?
Then I got balls to end
It all......But I fail,
This is nothing new in my
Pathetic tale.
Now I'm freaking out about
I don't knew if I can handle
A real world life creation.

I won't be able to function
In the world ,
Into confusion and fear I'm
Going to be hurled.
I can't really say that it
Has been a fun,
End of the final act.I
being over......... I have  done.                                         

13 Aug 2011


School is a daily routine for us
In the morning, we're sure to make a fuss
Even when the sun is still not up,
Here we are, awake at 4am sharp

We feel that school is such a bore
We feel that school is such a chore
Parents say, "School’s great! Now, go!"
We say, "Well, what do you know?"

Late a minute and we have to run
Eyes half open, shoelaces undone
We reach school and we see our friends,
Immediately, the torture ends

We have a chat and go with the flow
Then the bell rings, it is time to go
We may at times find school stressful
To have some fun, we have to bend some rules

Talk back to teachers, and detention we serve
No doubt, it is sometimes what we deserve
Sometimes they are as cold as ice
And other times they're actually really nice

They teach us and give us a helping hand
They’re forever ready to listen and be a friend
They have built much confidence in us
Just not when they are being really harsh

Over the years of education,
Never have we had so much learning with action
Such as camps, experiments, concerts and activities
We’ve learnt so much and even saved the trees

A wise teacher once said aloud -
Success is failure turned inside out
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit

Some may see school as a torture chamber
Some cannot wait for the holidays in December
But it depends on how we look at school
Honestly, positively, school is cool.